
We provide consulting services for meta-analysis.

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"The distinguishing feature of the Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis Software Programme from the other Meta‐Analysis Software Programmes is to be most practical and to be understandable easily. While using the programme the only thing should be done is to enter the necessary data into the data sheet and to click on the relevant buttons. That's all. No need to calculate the statistical formulas by hand to reach the effect sizes, anymore. I would like to send my special thanks to you and your team from Ankara University, Ankara‐Turkey, Sevgi Guney, MSc in ClinPsych, MAPS"

Sevgi Guney - Clinical Psychologist, Ankara University

"I have the pleasure to use your software from 2004, and thanks to that, my group had the opportunity to explore many issues in clinical oncology. I am a doctor (not a statistician) and I have to say that the software is really simple (especially v. 2.0), fast‐to‐use, and really easy to understand for anyone who wants to use it. We currently prefer CMA 2.0 to other free software given the mentioned features. Actually, I have no drawbacks to stress, I am really friendly in using your software right now."

Emilio Bria

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.