
We provide consulting services for meta-analysis.

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"I have used Comprehensive Meta‐analysis as the primary course software for a doctoral‐level course on systematic review and meta‐analysis methods which I have taught at Columbia University. The software, documentation, and tutorial materials have made the teaching and learning of meta‐analysis methods stimulating, efficient, and enjoyable. While the methods of meta‐analysis can be daunting to students, this program and supporting materials provide clear guidance and hands‐on experience which greatly enrich the learning process. Based on my experience I think that Comprehensive Meta‐analysis should be required in any course dealing with the subject."

Edward J Mullen - Willma & Albert Musher Professor, Columbia University

"Comprehensive meta‐analysis has been an easy to learn and reliable program that was my primary tool in conducting and publishing two large meta‐analyses in high impact factor peer reviewed journals."

Jennifer E. Hettema, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, UVA Center for Addiction Research and Education, Richmond, VA

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.