Studies that look at treatment effects or other effect sizes
Dichotomous (number of events)
- Unmatched groups, prospective (e.g., controlled trials, cohort studies)
- Events and sample size in each group
- Non-events and sample size in each group
- Events and non-events in each group
- Event rate and sample size in each group
- Chi-squared and total sample size
- Matched groups, prospective (e.g., crossover trials or pre-post designs)
- Matched 2x2 table
- Events and sample size in each treatment, and external correlation
- Non-events and sample size in each treatment, and external correlation
- Events and non-events in each treatment, and external correlation
- Event rate and sample size in each treatment, and external correlation
- Unmatched groups, retrospective (e.g., case control studies)
- Exposed and unexposed for cases and controls
- Exposed and total for cases and controls
- Proportion exposed and total for cases and controls
- Matched 2x2 table for case-control study
- Computed effect sizes
- Odds ratio and confidence limits
- Log odds ratio and standard error
- Log odds ratio and variance
- Peto's (O-E) and V
- Risk ratio and confidence limits
- Log risk ratio and standard error
- Log risk ratio and variance
- Risk difference and confidence limits
- Risk difference and standard error
- Risk difference and variance
Continuous (means)
- Unmatched groups, post data only
- Mean, SD and sample size in each group
- Difference in means, common SD, and sample size
- Cohen's d (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and sample size
- Means, sample size, and t-value
- Difference in means, sample size, and t-value
- Sample size and t-value
- Means, sample size, and p-value
- Difference in means, sample size, and p-value
- Sample size and p-value
- Unmatched groups, pre and post data
- Means, SD pre and post, N, in each group, Pre/Post Corr
- Means, SD difference, N, in each group, Pre/Post Corr
- Means pre and post in each group, t within groups, N
- Means pre and post in each group, p within groups, N
- Means pre and post in each group, F for difference between changes, N
- Mean change, SD pre and post, N, in each group, Pre/Post Corr
- Mean change, SD difference, N, in each group, Pre/Post Corr
- Mean change in each group, t within groups, N
- Mean change in each group, p within groups, N
- F for difference between changes, N
- One group (pre-post) and matched groups
- Mean difference, SD of difference, and sample size
- Means, SD Pre, SD Post, Pre/Post correlation, and sample size
- Means, sample size, and paired t-value
- Means, sample size, and paired p-value
- Mean difference, sample size, and t-value
- Mean difference, sample size, and p-value
- Sample size and t-value from paired t-test
- Sample size and p-value from paired t-test
- Computed effect sizes
- Raw difference in means and confidence limits (independent groups)
- Raw difference in means and standard error (independent groups)
- Raw difference in means and variance (independent groups)
- Cohen's d (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and confidence limits
- Cohen's d (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and standard error
- Cohen's d (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and variance
- Hedges's g (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and confidence limits
- Hedges's g (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and standard error
- Hedges's g (standardized by pooled within-groups SD) and variance
- Raw mean difference and confidence limits (paired study)
- Raw mean difference and standard error (paired study)
- Raw mean difference and variance (paired study)
- Cohen's d (standardized by SD of difference scores) and confidence limits
- Cohen's d (standardized by SD of difference scores) and standard error
- Computed effect sizes
- Correlation and sample size
- Correlation and standard error
- Correlation and variance
- Fisher's Z and sample size
- Fisher's Z and standard error
- Fisher's Z and variance
- Correlation and t-value
- t-value and sample size for correlation
- p-value and sample size for correlation
Rates (events by person years)
- Unmatched groups
- Events and person years in each group
- Event rate and person years in each group
- Computed effect sizes
- Rate ratio and confidence limits
- Log rate ratio and standard error
- Log rate ratio and variance
- Rate difference and confidence limits
- Rate difference and standard error
- Rate difference and variance
Survival (time to event)
- Computed effect sizes
- Hazard ratio and confidence limits
- Log hazard ratio and standard error
- Log hazard ratio and variance
Studies that look at events or means for one group
Dichotomous (number of events)
- Raw data
- Events and sample size
- Non-events and sample size
- Events and non-events
- Event rate and sample size
Continuous (means)
- Raw data
- Mean, SD and sample size
- Computed effect sizes
- Mean and confidence limits
- Mean and standard error
- Mean and variance
Rates (events by person years)
- Raw data
- Events and person years
- Event rate and person years
Generic effects analyzed in raw scale units
Data analyzed in raw scale
- Computed effect sizes
- Point estimate and confidence limits
- Point estimate and standard error in raw units
- Point estimate and variance in raw units
Generic effects analyzed in log units
Data analyzed in log scale
- Computed effect sizes
- Point estimate and confidence limits in raw units
- Point estimate and standard error in log units
- Point estimate and variance in log units

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
"CMA 2.0 is perhaps the most user‐friendly statistical software I have used to date. It makes the complicated process of conducting a meta‐analysis much easier. It can be used from start to finish ‐ from direct data entry to publication‐quality graphics. I highly recommend this program!"
Nathan Thoma, M.A. - Psychology Intern, Payne Whitney Clinic, Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York ‐ Presbyterian Hospital
"I found the Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis software program to be extremely user friendly, providing instant computational data from the simplest to the most complex statistical problems, a versatile database to help organize and restructure large volumes of multifaceted data, and parallel visuals that help better understand your data. I also found the support staff very helpful in providing responses to both my technical questions about the program itself as well as helpful addressing more general theoretical questions about meta‐analyses. I would highly recommend this program to a novice or more seasoned researcher interested in conducting meta‐analytic statistics."
Talin Babikian, PhD, MPH - UCLA
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.