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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.

"The program in Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes Research at Duke University conducts multiple systematic reviews and meta‐analyses each year for professional organizations as well as under both federal and industry sponsored research initiatives. While we use various programs tailored for specific individual projects including those developed in‐house, we have found Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA) to be a very facile, adaptable and yet comprehensive package meeting the needs for much of our research and generating publication‐quality graphics. My confidence in the analytic algorithms is buoyed by my knowledge of several of the developers of CMA and based on extensive comparison of results with other algorithms including our own. CMA is also an exceptional educational tool and universally embraced by trainees and young investigators initiating careers in evidence‐based medicine and statistical analysis."

Gary H Lyman, MD, MPH, FRCP (Edin) - Professor of Medicine and Director, Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes Research, Duke University School of Medicine, and the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, Senior Fellow, Duke Center for Clinical Health Policy Research, Durham, NC

"Being the lecturer for the course on meta‐analysis for the JSSS in Cambridge [the Social Science Research Methods Course programme, a shared platform for providing research students with a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methods skills that are relevant across the social sciences], I am really forward looking forward to familiarising students with the programme. I found CMA unbelievably flexible‐‐and it wouldn't take students long to familiarise with it given how user‐friendly the programme is."

Dr. Maria M. Ttofi - Leverhulme and Newton Trust Fellow, Post‐doctoral Researcher, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge Research Fellow, Wolfson College