Teaching information for CMA

If you are interested in using CMA to teach a class in meta-analysis, please submit your e-mail here for more information.

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Please provide the university / organization, the approximate class size, and the course duration below.

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"Comprehensive meta‐analysis has been an easy to learn and reliable program that was my primary tool in conducting and publishing two large meta‐analyses in high impact factor peer reviewed journals."

Jennifer E. Hettema, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, UVA Center for Addiction Research and Education, Richmond, VA

"I recently taught an introduction to meta‐analysis course to graduate students from diverse disciplines including ecology, kinesiology, economics, forestry, veterinary medicine, family studies, and plant pathology. I planned to use another meta‐analysis software package, but learned about CMA one week before the first day of class. Given the variety of options available in CMA, I thought that CMA might be a better fit for my class. In one week, Michael Borenstein sent me the necessary supplementary materials to prepare me for including CMA in the course. CMA is very intuitive and easily accessible for broad meta‐analytic applications. Any questions about CMA were quickly and thoroughly answered. Moreover, the supporting textbook associated with CMA is a must have resource for anyone interested in meta‐analysis as it easily explains complicated analytical concepts. In short, CMA is a great software package for meta‐analysis. I will use CMA again the next time I teach my introduction to metaanalysis course."

Alan Wilson - Assistant Professor, Auburn University, Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures